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The time is coming

Fast and swift

When the people of God

Will be persecuted

When the precious word

They hold so dear

The Book they search

Study and meditate

Will be snatched from them

The time is coming

When worshipping Jesus

Will be seen as wrong

Will be discouraged

Will become a crime

Are His people ready?

Do they have His words

Hidden in their hearts?

Do they know His promises?

Can they stand against the onslaught?

It is time to prepare

Time to dig into the treasures

Written by men of old

Time to hide precious words

Within our hearts

Time to stand up and declare

We are the people of God!

Search His word

Develop your faith

Walk in His promises

Hide them deep in your heart

Trust in Him

Lean on Him

Be confident in Him

Know you are hidden in Him

Know He will never let you go

Hide, hide yourself in Him.

By Ann Martin

January 31, 2010

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