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His Call

Come, come to Me

I am calling

Calling out to you

Turn, turn to Me

Hear My words

Heed my words

My words are life

My words are truth

My words bring healing

I am you resting-place

I am your shelter

Come and rest in My arms

Sit at My feet

Sit and drink in

Drink in the living water

Living water that will restore

Living water that reaches into your depths

Quenching your thirst

Restoring your strength

Causing hope to rise up

Lifting you to the heights

Soar, soar with Me

I will show you wonders

I will give you new life

I will heal your broken heart

I will fill the big empty holes with love

Surrender, surrender your all

Give up you life that you may receive

Give it up and take up the life I give

Give of My love

My love lifts

My love restores

My love rebuilds

My love freshens

My love comforts

My love conquers

Come My child

Lay down you burdens

Take off the yoke of bondage

And take My yoke of freedom

My yoke is salvation

My yoke brings peace

My yoke is light

Come My child

I am calling to you

I am your Father

I am your source

Return to Me

And be renewed

By: Ann Martin

December 28, 2002

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