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Hope in Me

Says the Lord

For I have plans for you

Plans of prosperity

Goodness and strength

I will bring all good things

To your threshold

I will drive away

All that is evil

I will set my guard about you

I will stand and not give way

I will fulfill every promise

I have made since the beginning

My hand is upon your life

I am your upholder

And bringer of good things

Do not despair when evil comes knocking

Do not open the door to its wiles

Look to Me, instead, for your help

For I will surround you with my armor

I will bring you out of the fiery flame

I will purify and cleanse you

I will clothe you in garments of white

I will set you in high places

I am your hope and your future

You are mine

Nothing can take you from My grasp

I am the hope beyond hope

The bright light casting away darkness

The cleansing water washing away all sin

I am the purifier and refiner

I am the potter molding your soul

To Me you are more precious

Than all the silver and gold

Contained in all creation

My love for you is boundless

And never ending

When the trials of this world

Weigh down your weary soul

Turn your thoughts and heart to Me

For I, only I

Am your hope.

By: Ann Martin

January 21, 2007

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