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Household Hints

Some of these hints are practical while others could be down right dangerous! Please be cautious if you do use any of them. I found some very amusing but I guess people really did find them useful at one time!

  1. If you have trouble keeping your oven low enough to prevent burning of cakes and pies, place a pan of water in the oven during the baking.
  2. To remove cakes which stick to pans, dampen a cloth in hot water and wrap around the pan. After a few minutes, the cake will come out, due to the steam which has formed.
  3. To keep cut flowers, drop an aspirin tablet in the water. It also helps to cut off a little piece of the stem each time the water is changed.
  4. Removing down from ducks—After the duck has been picked, pour melted paraffin all over the duck and let stand until paraffin has hardened, then peel off the paraffin and all the fine feathers will stick to it.
  5. Place a cup of salt in a bag and saturate with cold water. Apply to the glass and it will prevent frosting while you are driving.
  6. Place stained silverware in a pan and cover with sour or buttermilk and let stand for 24 hours. Remove and rinse in cold water and then wash in hot soapsuds and wipe dry and the silver will be well cleaned.
  7. To oil a clock—Take a small piece of woolen cloth and saturate it with oil. Place inside the clock and it will absorb.
  8. Runs in hosiery—Try sewing runs in hosiery and rayon underwear on the machine and the seams will be so small and so neat that they will hardly show.
  9. Crochet cotton for buttons—save all the ends of crochet cotton and use for sewing on buttons of children’s garments.
  10. 100 lb flour sacks can be made into pillow cases and lunch cloths by adding colored borders of gingham.
  11. To sharpen scissors, cut through coarse sand paper.
  12. Clean pail with apple peelings—Boil some apple peelings in your water pail frequently and it will become nice and shiny.
  13. To remove grease from leather—apply turpentine to the grease stains on leather. With a little rubbing the stains will come off.
  14. Removing car grease from clothing—To remove car grease from clothing sprinkle stain with cornstarch and let stand 1 hour. Brush off with stiff brush.
  15. To clean paint brushes soak in hot vinegar.
  16. Removing perspiration odor—Sponge with 2 cups of warm water to which ½ cup of vinegar has been added.
  17. Removing gum from hair—Apply the white of and egg to hair which has gum in it.
  18. To clean felt hats—Take a piece of hard bread and rub over felt hat. Brush well. Another way is to heat cornmeal and brush into hat. Let stand half an hour and brush out with clean brush.
  19. To remove old paint stains—Cover with olive oil or butter and rub with chloroform until the stain has disappeared.
  20. To remove ink stains from fingers—Moisten the sulfur end of a match and rub over the stains and they will soon come off.
  21. Good furniture polish—Equal parts of boiled linseed oil, turpentine and vinegar make a good furniture polish.

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