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I Will

I will sing to my Lord when I rise

I will praise His name

I will tell of His glories

And of the wondrous things He’s done

When troubles come knocking

I will remember His blessings

When fear attacks my mind

I will meditate on His word

When anger rears its ugly head

I will remember my Lord’s sacrifice

When life seems to not make sense

I will remember God’s holy plan

When I need direction

I will look to the Father for guidance

In happiness and sadness

I will remember God’s love

When I am in a valley

I will look to Him to lift me up

When on a mountain high

I will shout for joy and sing His praise

Throughout my day and all through my life

I will lift up my hands

And sing out in worship

Telling of my Father’s love

His grace and salvation

I will always remember

He is my source

My very reason for living

I will sing His praises forever

By: Ann Martin

July 18, 2003

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