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Just imagine…

A young girl at the end of the day

Finishing her daily task, in an obedient way

And finally to lie down

Exhausted, but content.

When suddenly an angel appears!

Just imagine…

A young man contentedly

Working away

Forming wood into useful items

And contemplating a future

With his bride to be.

When he finds the girl of his dreams

Has apparently betrayed him.

A baby she has conceived.

Just imagine…

This young couple having decided

To make the best of it

Find to Bethlehem they must go

To be counted because of

A far away ruler’s whim.

Just imagine…

An inn keeper frazzled and tired

Finding at his door

A young couple needing a room

For the girl to rest and deliver her baby

And having to turn them away

Send them to the stable

Just imagine…

The shepherds fear

As the sky above them

Lights up with all the glory of heaven

Angels appear and say, " Fear not!"

How could they know they were stepping

Into history to be remembered forever

For their part in that night?

Just imagine…

Three wise men

Traveling so far

Just to see and bless

A tiny little child

Born in the humblest of places.

Bestow upon Him vast riches.

Bow down to worship a child

Who would one day be king.

Just imagine…

That night never happening.

How horrible a thought!

To not know God’s love,

To not celebrate annually

The reason He was born

And to be reconciled to the Lord above.

To not learn that He came to suffer

In your place, to shed His blood

All because of love.

Just imagine!

By: Ann Martin 12/97

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