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A Look Back

Many years ago my mother gave me an old paper bound cookbook that was made by the Ladies Aid Group at the Worthington Church of The Brethren in Illinois during the 1930's. I have found it interesting reading and somewhat amusing. On the pages listed below you will find many old time recipes and some household hints. The people who donated them are long dead but their legacy has been passed on. The donaters often assumed you knew what to do with the recipe if you had a list of ingredients. Directions were not always given or were incomplete. These people were mostly farm folks and so had access to things like fresh milk, butter and eggs. As you can tell from glancing through the recipes, consumption of eggs, butter and salt was not something to be concerned about back then.

Grab a cup of coffee, find a relaxing place and take some time to glance through a few of these old-fashioned recipes and hints! If you do try any of these recipes I would love to hear your comments about them! Send me an email.

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