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Lord Glorious

The Lord is glorious

Come into His presence with thanksgiving

Sing for joy at His name

He is a refuge in times of need

He is a guide to the confused

He is a shelter from the enemy’s fiery darts

Within your heart He plants a seed

Watered it will grow and glorify Him

He who deserves all our praises

Unwatered it will wither and die

Leaving an empty feeling inside

Pour His living water upon that seed

Look, pursue, and find

The Lord is good

Seek and you will find Him

Reach out and He will come

Speak and He listens

Bow down, worship the Lord your God

He who is worthy

Will come to you

Lifting you up

Restoring your hope

Bringing you peace

Give all to the Lord

For He is Lord over all

The battle is His

He is the Most High God

He is Lord of life

He is your ever present comfort

Go, go to Him

Live in Him

Lay down your life

And take up His

Only He can be all you need

Only He can fill your broken heart

Only He can give you eternal life

Praise His holy name

For He is the Lord glorious

Come to Him

Come, and receive His love

By: Ann Martin

January 25, 2003

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