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Prayer For the Lost

There they go Lord,

So confident

So self-assured

Thinking they are in control

Yet inside empty

They have a yearning

They try to desperately fill

With things, time and people

Yet it is never enough

In their pride they think

They don’t need a crutch

They don’t need those spiritual things

They think they are only rituals

Empty and unfulfilling

They seek love and acceptance

Through many activities

And many friends

Only to find it is all empty

Father, reach into their hearts

Pull them, Father

Draw them to You

Let Your love be revealed

Open the eyes of their hearts

Give them the answer to their yearning

Send loving people their way

With words of hope

Words of renewing

Words that uplift

Words that convict them

Words that humble

And words that that show salvation

Let their minds understand

Comprehend and accept

The only true fulfillment there is

Let Your love burst forth

Throughout their entire being

Let Your grace abound

Bringing them to Your side

Let them see they can never find

All that their hearts yearn for

Outside of Your will

Father, I pray for all Your lost children

That they may know the wondrous power

The joy of all Your love is

Turn them from their sinful pursuit

Of worldly ways

Change them into messengers

Bringing the gospel of saving grace

To a lost and dying world

Remake their heart of stone

Into a heart of clay

Moldable and pliable

In Your precious hands

Let their spirit be lifted

To dwell around Your throne

There to find the fulfillment

They so long for.

By: Ann Martin

February 22, 2010

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