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The Magical Land

There is a land where pain and harm you will not find.

A place where imaginary beasts

Are never left behind.

The unicorn will frolic

And the dragon will soar

Far beyond the hustle and bustle

Of the world with so much uproar.

Fairies, they flutter and Pegasus does fly,

Way up in the heavens with the clouds so high.

The beauty of this land

Will have castles all around

And princes seeking the fair maiden’s hand.

The centaurs, they cavort

While pixies flit here and there.

A normal human being would only stand and stare.

If you earnestly do seek,

At this magical world

You may just get a peek.

Put aside your worries and cares

And climb the magical stairs

To a land with butterflies and fairies.

With the elves and cupids

You can happily pick berries

Never more to commiserate

About this world’s unhappy fate.

By: Ann Martin July 27, 1999

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