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Veal Loaf

3 lbs round beef

1 lb salted side pork

2 eggs well beaten

pepper and salt to taste

crushed crackers

A little water or milk and start baking with a little water in pan.

Donated by Mrs. P. R. Long

Meat Loaf

1 ½ lbs ground beef

½ lb pork sausage

1 cup bread crumbs

2 eggs

Salt and pepper to taste (if your meat has not been previously seasoned)

1 medium onion (minced fine)

Mix well and shape into a loaf and bake in covered dish or roaster. When about half done, pour on loaf a cup of tomato which have first been put through a sieve and seasoned with salt. A rich gravy may be made from the drippings to eat with the meat and potatoes.

Donated by Mrs. Harry Strom

Hungarian Goulash

Slice and fry 1 onion in a tablespoon of fat. When brown, cook in 1 tbsp. flour. Add water to make a gravy. Add 1 lb round steak or veal cut in small pieces. Season with salt and pepper. Add 5 or 6 carrots diced and 1/2 pint tomatoes. A few potatoes may be added if desired. Cook slowly for 2 or 3 hours.

Donated by: Mrs. A.J. Shulz

Baked Salmon

Cook one cup of rice; when cold, line baking dish. Flake one can of salmon. Beat 2 eggs; add one third cup of milk, one tbsp. butter, pinch of salt, dash of pepper. Stir into the salmon lightly; cover rice with salmon. Bake one hour.

Salmon Loaf

1 can salmon

lump of butter size of egg

1 cup bread or cracker crumbs

1 egg

Melt butter and mix with salmon and crumbs. Season to taste. Beat the eggs and add last. Mold into a loaf and bake in a shallow pan 1/2 hour.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Shulz

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