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Hot tamales

1 lb pork sausage

1 large onion (shredded)

1 pinch cayenne

½ package macaroni

1 qt tomatoes

salt and pepper to taste

Cook macaroni 20 minutes. Put all together and cook on top of stove for 10 minutes. Bake 1/2 hour.

Donated by: Alma L. Shulz


Slice 2 onions and fry in butter. When nearly done, add 1 lb of hamburger steak and cook until done. Season with salt and pepper. Put one quart of tomatoes (strained) and 1 can kidney beans and about a quart of water in a kettle and let it come to a boil. Then add the onion and hamburger and cayenne pepper to taste.

Donated by: Mrs. D.C. Snider

Spanish Rice

1 cup rice

1 small can tomatoes (strained)

1/8 lb cheese (grated)

1 onion (chopped fine)

½ cup bacon grease

¼ teaspoon red pepper

salt and pepper

3 cups water

Cook all together 30 minutes, then put in buttered baking dish and bake about 20 minutes.

Donated by Alma L. Schulz

Red Beans and Rice

1 lb of red beans

1 tsp salt

1 tsp butter

1 small onion, minced

½ red pepper

boiled rice

Soak the beans over night. Then simmer for 4 hours or more in 2 quarts of water. The beans will then be quite soft. Add the salt, butter, onion, red pepper, and continue the simmering process for 2 hours longer. Serve with boiled rice and the combination is not only good, but well balanced also. A pound salt meat, scalded, is often substituted for the above seasoning, excluding the onion. The minced onion entirely disappears in the simmering and makes delicious seasoning.

Donated by Mrs. D. C. Snider

A Full Meal

Cover the bottom of a baking dish with 1 cup of rice, then a layer of hamburger steak and 2 cups of sliced raw potatoes. Mince a good sized onion and sprinkle over the top; season and pour 1 quart of tomatoes over this. Cover with bits of butter and bake in a slow oven 2 hours. Serve with corn bread.

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