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A Mother’s Cry

Long ago and far away

On a very special day

In Mary’s womb

A child did bloom.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

How can you be my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

Shepherds came, angels sang,

Wisemen from afar, gifts they did arrange.

Dreams of warning, trips afar

To save this bright morning star.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

Why do they seek my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

A king did die,

The threat no longer nigh,

To Nazareth the family roams,

The place that became His home.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

Why was I blessed so, my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

To Jerusalem to celebrate,

But they did not rightly estimate

How much the child had grown.

Three days He was gone, if only they had known.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

I was so frightened, my little one!"

I could hear Mary cry.

Many years of peaceful life

Before the beginning of the strife.

Baptism in the Jordan was the start

Of His ministry to heal every heart.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

How was I to know, my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

He healed the sick, raised the dead,

And made the blind to see; the prisoners He led.

Many sought Him out

But some against Him did shout.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

Why do they hate my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

The leaders then did conspire

To stop this new fire.

In the dark of night they took Him

And proceeded to nail Him to a limb.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

Why must you die, my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

Into the tomb, dark and cold

His enemies thought would hold

That spark of hope

That helped so many cope.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

How can I go on, my little one?"

I could hear Mary Cry.

Three days went by,

Women came nigh

To prepare Him for eternal rest

But found the tomb an empty nest.

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

Where have they taken you, my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

Angels in white raiment

Came to make a statement.

"Do not seek the living among the dead.

He is risen, this tomb is no longer His bed."

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

How can this be true, my little one?"

I could hear Mary cry.

He appeared to His followers then.

The great good news did begin.

To them He did say "Believe all the prophets spoke.

To conquer sin and death is why I awoke."

"Oh my Lord, my precious Son,

You are my Savior and King, my little one!"

I could hear Mary cry.

By: Ann Martin


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Artwork by: Danny Halhbohm

Copyright by Danny Hahlbohm. All rights reserved by the artist

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