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My Little One

Where are you going my little one?

Where are you running?

Why didn’t you stop a moment with Me?

Why are you in such a hurry?

What is so important you can’t pause?

Why do you continue to hide from Me?

Don’t you know I care?

Haven’t you learned that I love you?

How can your ways be better than My ways?

Who knows more about you than I?

Did I not create you?

Have I not provided a way?

Slow down and come to Me.

I am ever ready to listen.

I will take your troubles.

Your burden is never too heavy for Me.

Lay your cares in My hands.

No circumstance is too big.

No threat is more than I can conquer.

Come to Me when the load is heavy.

Open your heart; let Me heal it.

Seek me when the world seems to have forgotten you.

When love seems far away, look to Me.

My love is never ceasing.

In the wee hours of night and you feel so alone,

Look to Me, I am always there.

My arms are ever ready to enfold you.

Don’t let pride or shame keep you from Me.

Come to Me my little one.

Come to Me and rest.

By: Ann Martin

January 13, 2001

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Artwork by: Danny Halhbohm

Copyright by Danny Hahlbohm.

All rights reserved by the artist

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