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Never Ending Story

In the beginning

Are the first words you see

When you open your Bible

And start to read

The world’s greatest love story

It starts in a garden

So pristine and pure

Made by the Lord’s tender hand

Man He put there to tend

All the beauty within

But evil was found there

And it destroyed the peace

It ended man’s sublime life

Sin continued to corrupt the earth

Until God caused a flood

To make a new start

He saved only a few

To continue on

And gave His promise

To never flood again

A rainbow as a reminder

He then displayed

Man didn’t learn

But continued to sin

God then called Abraham

To begin something new

He said through Abraham’s seed

All mankind would be blessed

Many centuries passed by

And many brave men lived and died

But none could reconcile

And bring sin to an end

God finally sent an innocent child

His precious son, redeemer of souls

The child grew up and died

A most horrible death

He hung on a cross

And shed His precious blood

To cleanse and reconcile

All mankind throughout history

We now have the promise

That if we but believe

We can all someday

Once again walk hand in hand

With our Lord in a beautiful place

With streets of gold and mansions shining bright

At the very end of our Bible

Our Lord Jesus says

"Surely I am coming quickly"

And our hearts cry out

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

By: Ann Martin

July 16, 2000

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