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New Things

A new minute

A new hour

A new day

A new year

And a new millennium

Each one gives

A new opportunity

A chance to start again

To make tomorrow

Better than today

A time to look forward

A way to refresh our lives

A rebirth of our dreams

A renewal of our commitments

A way to rethink our beliefs

And analyze our faith

What do we really believe

Deep down inside

What do we show

To the world all around

Are we acting as the Lord teaches

Or are we still lost in our pride

Refresh yourself

Seek your God

Invite Him in each day

Allow him to guide you

And show you the way

Yesterday is gone

It can’t be changed

Today is a day for reflection

And making new plans

Tomorrow is an open promise

Of all God can give

Reach out to Him

Take His hand

He is always there

With a desire to be by your side

His love is never ending

And His blessings are bountiful

Spend time with Him each day

He will work it all out

In the best way for you

He wants to cleanse your mind

And renew your thoughts

That you may shine forth

With His love for all

That they too can find

The peace only He can provide

By: Ann Martin

January 9, 2001

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