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The pages of my Bible

Are worn and dog eared

I have turned them many times

In my pursuit of understanding

So many precious promises

Are contained within

Those who say my Bible is but a fable

I find it hard to comprehend

Just read and research

You’ll find such awesome love

I don’t know how anyone

Can glance at these words

And not take to heart

All that God has done

To bring a dying and sinful world

Back to His loving embrace

The Lord reaches out to each of us

Far more than we conceive

He gave His most precious Son

To die in our place

A person only needs to open

That book of books

And read of the sacrifice

The Lord Jesus did suffer

And the promise of a day to come

When all his believers

Will with the Lord abide

My Bible is my source

To find comfort and knowledge

A constant companion

Wherever I may go

It may one-day fall apart

But it’s precious words

Will never be diminished

By: Ann Martin


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