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Mustard Pickles

1 qt small cucumbers

1 qt sliced cucumbers

1 qt small tomatoes (green)

1 qt sliced green tomatoes

1 qt small onions

4 green peppers chopped fine

1 head cauliflower

Put all this in a weak brine for 4 hours, then scald in same water and drain well. Make a paste of 5 tbsp of flour and mustard, 2 tsp mixed spices, 1 tsp tumeric powder, 2 cups sugar, 2 quarts vinegar. Mix well and cook a little; then pour in the pickles and let come to a boil. Then put into jars and seal at once.

Donated by Mrs. Frank Williams

Aristocratic Pickles

12 large cucumbers

1 cup vinegar

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. Celery seed

1 tsp. Ginger

1 tsp. White mustard seed

1 tsp. Tumeric powder

Slice cucumbers very thin and soak in salt water 1 1/2 hours. Boil vinegar mixture; then add cucumbers and boil 5 minutes.

Donated by Mrs. Frank Williams

Dill Pickles

Wash cucumbers and put in 2 quart jar. Add: 1 cup vinegar, 1 or 2 stalks dill, 4 tbsp salt. Fill jar up with cold water and seal. Ready to use in three weeks.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Schulz

Crisp Cucumber Pickles

2 cups sugar

2 cups water

2 cups vinegar

Alum size of end of thumb

Spices to taste

Let pickles stand in salt brine 24 hours and drain. For brine use 1 cup salt to a gallon of pickles. Put pickles in boiling syrup, but do not boil. Pack in jars and add boiling syrup.

Donated by Belle Luing



1 ½ gallons tomatoes

1 gallon cabbage

2 peppers—red and green

1 quart onions


Let soak over night in salt water, boil up in vinegar.

1 lb brown sugar

2 tbsp celery seed

2 tbsp mustard seed

vinegar to cover

Donated by Mrs. Laurence Robbins

Chow Chow

Grind in food grinder:

1 gallon green tomatoes

½ gallon cabbage

1 quart onions

1 quart green cucumbers

4 pods green peppers

pimento peppers

2 tbsp salt

2 tbsp pulvrized ginger

2 tbsp allspice

2 tbsp cloves

2 tbsp dry mustard

3 lbs. Sugar

1 quart cider vinegar

Boil mixture one hour and seal tight in jars.

Donated by Mrs. Harry Strom

Tomato Catsup

1 gallon strained tomatoes

3 onions cooked with tomatoes

2 tbsp salt

½ tsp red pepper

1 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp cloves

2 cups sugar

2 cups vinegar

Donated by Mrs. Ed. Hauenstein

Chili Sauce

12 ripe tomatoes

4 green peppers

2 onions

2 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsp salt

2 tbsp cinnamon

3 cups vinegar

Let boil 1 ½ hours and seal.

Donated by Mrs. F. J. Luing

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