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Precious Little Gift

Ten tiny little toes

Ten cute little fingers

A tuft of dark hair

Cheeks so round and rosy

Eyes so bright and shiny

This little child under your heart

Did dwell for so long

But now the time has come

For her to make her debut

She is a precious little gift

Sent from a tender hearted Father

Given to you for a time

To nurture and love

And with this little gift

Comes an awesome responsibility

To teach her of the Father’s love

And guide her gently throughout her life

That she may learn of God’s saving grace

Of salvation and a heavenly place

Teach her of the wonders of our Lord

Show her the way to pray

Instill in her she need never fear

For the Father loves her

And will enfold her in His loving arms

Anytime she calls.

By: Ann Martin

March 5, 2003

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