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There it sits under the tree

And I am sure all will agree

It’s pretty wrapping and beautiful bow

Is ever so wonderful to behold

In eager anticipation we draw near

We hold our breath and wait

For its contents to appear

Off comes the pretty paper and bow

A box is found below

We lift its lid only to find

That someone is playing with our mind

For inside is another box

This gift giver is a fox

We open this next one

As we think oh what fun

Once again we expose

A smaller box, a trick I suppose

When we finally find the center

We begin to wonder why did we enter

For deep inside a piece of paper is all

A simpler gift we can’t recall

Imprinted on this slip are few words

They very possibly are the best we’ve heard

They tell us God has so much love

His Son He sent from above

Then this precious gift He gave

He allowed to die for us to save

That we in His light may live

What more could He give?

By: Ann Martin


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