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Protecting Clouds

More than two years ago it began

Small clouds started drifting in.

Ominous they seemed at the time.

Troubles followed close behind.

My job was in danger,

My home less secure.

The clouds grew larger

And floated closer each day

Until they seemed to surround

And cover me on every side.

In fear I found myself crying out

Why, why are these things happening?

In fright I found myself grasping at any hope.

But each time that hope would fade away

And send me deeper in my dismay.

There came a day I lost my job.

My despair was beginning to overtake

And the clouds by now were huge.

Four months I went without an income

And no new job opened up.

It felt as if I had been abandoned

Not only by friends but by God Himself.

The light in my life was so dim

I could not see the hand of God moving to help.

I was enveloped in a dismal world

With clouds surrounding me on every side.

I called out to God with all my heart

Wanting answers to my many questions.

Answers did not come

Instead the clouds closed more tightly around me.

A job came along just when it seemed

I would lose everything.

Step by step I began my struggle

Out of the pit I was in.

Just when I thought the worst

Was behind a most foul attack

The enemy did make.

My home I found in foreclosure.

I saw myself homeless, alone

And with no one to help.

Over many months I cried out to God

Help me Lord, help me!

Six times my home went in and out of foreclosure,

Making fear my companion

And despair my cloak.

Something else began to dawn

On my heavy heart and mind.

It seemed the Lord was calling me

To return to His side.

He beckoned me with gentle nudges

Ever closer and teaching me to trust.

I searched His Word

Sought believer’s to pray

And prayed myself sensing Him nearby.

My heart opened up,

My mind begin to understand

That no matter what I felt

God never left me.

He did not abandon me

And leave me to struggle alone.

The clouds I thought of as ominous

I found were really God’s protective covering

Surrounding me with love

Shielding me from so many attacks.

But also teaching me what I really needed

Was to draw closer to God

To trust Him more and believe His words.

He has taken care of all my needs

Given me a job that richly blesses me

And kept my home from being snatched away.

This God, the Ancient of Days

Is sitting upon His throne

And reaching out to all peoples.

He desires to draw us in,

Heal our broken hearts,

Bind up all our wounds.

He sends forth the clouds

To become a shield

To protect us from the flaming arrows

The enemy would use to draw us from God’s side.

God will wrap you in His protection

Enfold you in His arms

Bring you to sit under His wings

And through you He will show His glory

To all mankind, to draw them back

Into His salvation

And show His tender love.

He is our only hope,

Our redeemer and king,

Our Father and our brother

Our rock and our foundation

He is our Savior and our Creator

He is the God of eternity

He is our everything!

Worship Him!

Love Him!

Believe in Him!

By: Ann Martin

February 20, 2003

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