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My Refuge

Lord, once again I am feeling attacked

Feeling lost, feeling helpless

Lord, I need to feel your touch

I need to sense your love

I need to see you working in my life

I am seeking you, Lord

From my heart I am crying out

Lord you are my refuge

You are my strength

My inspiration, my hope

Through you I live

Through you I find meaning

With you at my side I can go on

With you I can face the future

With you I can move beyond disappointment

With you I can regain my hope

This life has brought so many heartaches

So many disappointments

So many losses and hardships

But even in my down trodden state

I know deep in my heart that I am yours

That I have an eternal home with you

That someday I will be with you

Far beyond all the pain

All the hardships

All the disappointments

Of this world

Thank you Lord for your love

Thank you for your care

And for your mercy

Thank you Father for opening my eyes

To the saving grace of your Son

Of His sacrifice to save such as me

Thank you Father for being my refuge

Now and throughout eternity

By: Ann Martin

April 22, 2008

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