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Rest my child.

Rest in my arms.

Quiet your restless thoughts.

Sit quietly at my knee.

I know of your pain.

I know of your suffering.

I know you inside.

I know you outside.

I know my plans for you.

Cease you relentless worries.

Drop all your sadness and cares.

Come and sit with me.

Come and be refreshed.

Let me handle all your troubles.

Let me turn your sorrows into joy.

Release your firm grip

On all of the what ifs and whys.

Do you not realize I have the solution?

Do you not know I hold you in my hand?

I am working it all out.

I will not fail you.

I will lift you up.

I will take care of you.

You are my child.

You are precious to me.

Let go and let me.

Come, come and sit at my knee.

Rest my child.

Rest in me.

By: Ann Martin

June 22, 2002

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