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Carrot Salad

1 box lemon Jell-O

1 cup walnuts

1 cups carrots, ground through food chopper

1 or more cups of pineapple, cut fine

Dissolve Jell-O and combine with carrots, nuts and pineapple. Set away to cool until time to serve.

Donated by Geralda Hulsebus

Potato Salad

Potatoes (guess at amount)

4 or 5 onions

1 tsp mustard

1 cup vinegar (scant)

1 tsp sugar

2 eggs yolks

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1 cup sour cream

1 tsp flour or cornstarch

Boil mustard, vinegar, egg, salt, sugar and pepper together. When cool, add sour cream.

Donated by P. R. Long

Hot Potato Salad

Dice cold boiled potatoes. Have some bacon diced and fried crisp. Add vinegar, a little salt and pepper. When hot add potatoes and some finely cut onion.

Donated by Orla Woods

Bean Salad

4 cups baked beans

1 cup diced celery

1 cup diced cucumber pickles

3 pimentos

1 medium onion, diced

Mix all with:

1 cup vinegar

1 tsp butter

3 eggs

1 tsp sugar

1 tbsp flour

1 tsp mustard

1 tsp salt

1 scant tsp white pepper

Beat well and add 1 cup whole milk. Cook until thick.

Donated by Belle Luing

Apple Salad

Pare, core and cut in pieces mellow apples. Mix with nuts, a few pieces of bananas, marshmallows cut in bits, white or green grapes and celery.

Donated By Orla Woods

Macaroni Salad

Cook 1 pkg elbow macaroni until tender. Drain and rinse off with cold water. Cut fine fresh cucumbers and canned pimentos and mix with the macaroni. Mix with mayonnaise.

Pea Salad

1 can peas

1/2 lb cheese

2 canned pimentos

Drain juice from peas. Cut cheese and pimentos up fine and add. Mix with mayonnaise.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Schulz

Surprise Salad

Take 6 firm bananas; split open and remove pulp carefully. Beat to a cream. Add 1/2 that quantity of fresh or canned peaches, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 3 tbsp powdered sugar. Mix and refill the skins and lay on ice until ready to serve.

Salad Dressing

1 egg

2 tbsp sugar

1 1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp dry mustard

4 tbsp cornstarch

1/8 tsp. Paprika

1/4 cup vinegar

3/4 cup salad oil

1 cup water

Put egg, sugar, seasoning, vinegar, and oil in mixing bowl, BUT DO NOT STIR! Make a paste by mixing the cornstarch with 1/2 cup water. Add additional 1/2 cup water and cook over a slow fire, stirring constantly until it boils and clears. Add the hot mixture to the ingredients in the mixing bowl and beat briskly with an egg beater. Cool before serving.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Schulz

French Dressing

Mix together and beat thoroughly 1/2 cup oil (any salad oil is alright), 1 tbsp corn syrup or sugar, 3 tbsp vinegar, 1/4 cup salt and 1/8 tsp white pepper.

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