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The Shadow

It began a bright sunny day

As I started on my way

Looking to my left and right

I noticed a rather strange sight

My shadow seemed a mite too big

It look as if I wore a wig

As I continued my stroll

My shadow seemed to lose control

Ever larger it became

My shadow and I just could not be the same

An eerie feeling in my heart

Made me want to flee and gave me a start

Over my shoulder I looked about

But from my glance I found nothing out

It seemed the shadow escape I would not

Within its borders I was caught

And then my flight I was compelled to stop

The dread within made me want to drop

The shadow had engulfed me all around

And then I noticed there was not a sound

But within this shadow I found a peace

And my fear was gone with sweet release

It seemed as if arms of love

Had come down from above

A soft, gentle voice whispered in my ear

The sweetest voice I did ever hear

“My child, come and rest, stop your rush

The fears of your heart, let them hush

You left without looking to Me

In prayer you did not bend your knee

You fed your body with good food

But your spirit was left to brood

I followed you with tender care

Surrounding you to keep you from the devil’s snare

My love for you is too great

To let you wander without my breastplate"

To my knees I did fall

And on my Savior I did call

Within His shadow I did abide

Asking for Him to guide my stride

To teach me of His way

And to keep me from going astray

As I knelt there on the ground

Within my heart His love did abound

And then I heard Him softly say

“Go, My child, be on your way

Every moment I am here

Of Satan’s wiles you need not fear

If each day as you rise

You lift your heart and your eyes

To my heavenly throne

You will never walk alone.”

By: Ann Martin

March 24, 2007

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