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The Sheep and the Goats

A long line stood before the King

Waiting quietly, expectantly

For His judgment

It was a massive herd

Of goats and sheep

Confident the king would give approval

Each one was called to stand before Him

Alone, exposed and expectant

As they stood before Him

He uttered no sound

His eyes would fill with a smile or tears

His hands would point to the right or left

As the sheep He directed to the right

They humbly dropped to the ground

As they thankfully worshipped Him

But as the goats were directed to the left

Loud protests could be heard

Claims of being followers of His

And of injustice were voiced

Fearfully they begged Him

Relent, Lord, relent!

His gentle eyes gazed upon them

As tears flowed down His face

He proclaimed His judgment

You did not serve Me, He told them

You did not bring the lost to Me

Nor did you care for the needy

You sought your own pleasure

Turning your backs to the poor

Closing your ears to their cries

You did not tend the wounded and sick

Instead you hurled gazes of contempt

And words of disdain their way

While seeking your own comfort

Amassing your own wealth

You proclaimed to be My followers

With your mouth and showy deeds

But in your hearts you served yourself

You have brought your judgment upon yourselves

Off with you to the outer darkness!

You will not enter My rest

Sadly He banished them

Sending them to eternal punishment

Then His gentle gaze turned to the sheep

And with kind words He invited them in

Ushering them to His banqueting table

Clothing them in fine white raiment

Joyously they feasted with their Lord

Each one lifting their voice in praise

As a love so fine, so pure surrounded them

And as they sat at the banqueting table

The King’s voice could be heard proclaiming

Well done My good and faithful servants

Well done!

By: Ann Martin

May 2, 2008

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