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Solid Rock

When adversity comes near

When signs that bring fear

Come creeping into your mind

When the giants of adverse change

Are looming on your horizon

Don’t let them cause worry

Don’t let them make you shake with fright

Instead, look to the solid rock

Turn to the One who can bring

Bright rays of light

Shining through the darkest gloom

To Him speak of your fears

In Him put your trust

Don’t look at those shadows of doom

Don’t let the specter of impending disaster

Take over your life

Put your trust in Him who has

Your future held firmly in His hand

He knows of your worries

He understands your pain

He has seen your tears

When Satan’s darts take aim

Ripping through your wounded heart

Only He has the answers

Only He has the healing balm

To tend those searing wounds

Only He can chase away the fears

Only He can change your doubt

Into new strength and confidence

He can bring peace to your soul

And new joy to your heart

He will raise you up

And set you on a mountain

He will make you a beacon

A light of hope for all to see

He is your hope, your future

He is all that you need

He will provide all things

And He will bless you in so many ways

Just look to Him

Stand on this Solid Rock

He has plans for you

Plans to prosper you

And to give you new hope

He is your King

He is your Savior

And most wonderful of all

He is your friend!

By: Ann Martin

May 1, 2006

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