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A Special Gift

There are friends that come

And friends that go

There are fair weather friends

Who turn away when storms do blow

There are people by the dozens

With advice to give for all your woes

But are nowhere to be found

When life becomes too harsh

The friends worth having

Are the ones with a shoulder to cry on

A loving embrace and a listening ear

When you fall apart feeling so lost

And can’t see a way out

These are the friends

God sends to each of us

A comfort in our woe

A guide in our loss

A steadfast tower in our despair

When such a one is found

They are more precious than gold

And far better than any earthly possession

One hour with them brings new hope

As they offer up to our Lord

Heartfelt prayers in your behalf

They stand by you in times of trouble

And hold out loving arms of compassion

In this world there are far fewer

Of this type of precious friend

But when one is found

Hold on tight and never forsake

The wonderful gift God has sent

Give thanks to the Father

Who out of His love

Sent these special people your way

By: Ann Martin

September 4, 2001

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