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Still Small Voice

In the dark and still of night

I awaken with thoughts a-swirl

All of my cares and woes

Come crashing in

Surrounding me in fear

Yet in the recesses of the dark

There is light dimly seen

A still small voice reminds me

I need not worry or shake with dread

I have only to seek the Father

In His ever present love

And His all encompassing compassion

He always knows exactly what I need

Turn to Me that voice is whispering

Leave it in My hands

I am here to sustain you

Seek My will and do not wander

Into the enemy’s snare

Fear and doubt have no power

When in My light you abide

Trust Me and drop your burden

Into My ever capable hands.

By: Ann Martin

March 2, 2001

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Artwork by: Danny Halhbohm

Copyright by Danny Hahlbohm. All rights reserved by the artist

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