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It seems just yesterday

The stranger rode into town.

He came in a humble way.

On a donkey He came a-riding,

Unpretentious and mild.

His gaze was so penetrating

And somehow so very sad.

As the people around Him

Shouted out their joy

He looked upon them

With tears in His eyes.

He seemed to be able to see

All the sin and sorrows

Of each and every one.

His ride through the town portal

Was triumphal and majestic.

The people were so glad to see Him,

Praising Him and treating Him like a king.

Yet at weeks end

His demise was so horrible.

The very people who praised Him

Now had turned aside.

They shouted for His death

And watched with glee as He died

On a cross in excruciating agony.

The leaders thought an end to Him

They had finally accomplished.

When to their surprise

Three days after He was buried

Rumors of His return begin to fly.

Unbelievable! They shouted.

Impossible! Only God can do that!

Little did they know

That it was God they had condemned.

He had triumphed over death

And brought forgiveness to all

On that very day.

That stranger now is no longer

A stranger to me.

You see He came to me

And reached out His arms

In loving tenderness.

He invited me to accept

His gift of eternal life

And hope for tomorrow.

He now lives in my heart

And comforts me each day

With the knowledge

That someday I will live in heaven

And in His presence forevermore.

By: Ann Martin

March 4, 2001

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