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Tender Touch

The tender touch of our Lord’s great hand

Is closer than each of us can comprehend.

It is not far away and hard to find

But ever ready to bless and be kind.

We in our pride do not seek His loving touch

We think we do not need Him much,

As we busily attend to our day.

But because of our pride we dearly pay.

Then on our knees we come pleading

And ask the Lord, "Why aren’t we succeeding?"

We beg and cajole, bargain and plead,

"Please, dear Lord, help us in our hour of need!"

Why is it we pray the most when troubles come

And to our doubts we succumb?

His hand is ever ready to reach out and bless

If our sins we would confess.

Put the Father first in your day

And His tender touch He will not delay.

By: Ann Martin

April 7, 2001

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