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On the horizon I can hear thundering.

On the horizon I can see roiling clouds.

On the horizon I can feel His presence.

The horses are stamping their feet.

The righteous are waiting impatiently.

The angels stand at ready.

All heaven is anticipating

The day the trumpet will resound,

And our mighty Savior rides forward

To gather in His own.

On that day believers will rise

To meet the Shepherd in the sky.

He’ll draw them from the grave so dark

And from far below the sea.

From the living He’ll snatch them

From their daily cares.

He will clothe them in purest white

And give them a royal crown.

He will return to heaven then

And invite one and all

To the marriage feast of the Lamb.

What a glorious day that will be!

It’s coming ever closer with each passing moment.

While here on earth we wait,

Our eyes turned toward heaven

And our ears tuned to the thundering

Of His galloping steed!

By: Ann Martin

August 26, 2002

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