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‘Tis The Season

The signs are everywhere

Christmas is in the air

Bells are loudly ringing

Voices gladly singing

People rushing here and there

Children at toys fondly stare

Packages wrapped with pretty bow

Lights are all aglow

Wonderful smells in the air

For the big day we prepare

But in all the rush

Pause a moment, hush

Remember that small child

Born in a manger, mild

In the hay

He humbly lay

Animals around Him did wait

As He lay in humble estate

Shepherds in fields could only stare

As multitudes of angels did appear

A guiding star arises

Wisemen came with wondrous prizes

His story is often told

As loved ones we enfold

He came to save the poor and weak

He is the king we should seek

He brought the message of eternal love

Of our heavenly Father up above

For the down trodden and sinful man

He brought a wondrous plan

He no longer in a manger lays

His great love He did display

When on the cross He did die

To offer forgiveness for all the contrite

So stop this season and reflect

Look inward and inspect

What you are really celebrating

It is His wondrous gift of which we should sing

By: Ann Martin

December 15, 2000

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