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Why am I afraid?

Why do I want to run?

What makes my heart stop?

My stomach churn?

It’s only a simple thing.

A moment in time.

Yet it could do so much.

That tiny little touch.

What makes my mind go blank?

My emotions rise up?

The words just disappear.

I try to be obedient,

Reach forth my hand.

It could change a person’s life.

That magic moment

Of that tiny little touch.

I tell myself, "Just do it."

But somehow, I freeze up.

When forth I put my hand

That person will know.

They will see and hear

All the doubt and fear.

Will they wonder, "Is it real?"

At the moment of that tiny little touch.

I must somehow grow beyond the fear

To transmit that wonderful warmth.

Be obedient and touch.

Give that person a glimpse of love

From my Father above.

It is so real, so wonderful.

The joy, the peace, the gentleness

That seems to emanate everywhere

In that tiny little touch.

By: Ann Martin 11/18/97

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