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Triumphant Entry

Long ago our Lord did ride

Along a dusty road

People came running

Crowds were cheering

Robes thrown down in the path

Palms waved high

As He sat astride a lowly donkey

Hosanna, Hosanna they cried

So exultant and full of praise

Were the people that day

He mad His entry into that city

Hearing their cheers and cries

Yet with heavy heart did He go

With tears in His eyes to His destiny

What was begun that day

With the shouts and the praise

Seemed crushed and gone

By the end of the week

But much to the surprise

Of many a man

It was not the end

But only the beginning

For His life He lay down

In a tomb did abide

And on the third day

He arose, a new adventure to begin

At Pentecost He returned to heaven

There to prepare a home for His believers

Someday He will return

But no lowly donkey will He ride

Instead a flawless white stead

Will He sit astride

Galloping in on the clouds

With the saints at His back

And gather in His precious children

Instantly returning them to heaven

To abide there with Him forever

What a triumphant entry that will be!

By: Ann Martin

March 17, 2002

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