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Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the town

All the creatures were stirring

And glancing about

The lanterns were hung

By the door posts with care

In hopes that morning would soon be there

The children were tired and snuggled in bed

While pictures of home flashed through their heads

Mary rode a donkey and I the donkey did lead

To each door knocking in hopes we’d succeed

But each one would say no room, despite our great need

We kept going to each and every door

When finally one said to the stable you should go

The moon shone brightly lighting our way

Down the path to the stable all warm and cozy

The animals just stared at these people so strange

To think that people would sleep in their hay

And Mary so heavy with babe on the way

I swiftly brought in my wife and the donkey

And made for my Mary a bed in the straw

Throughout her travail she never complained

As the night drew towards morning the babe did arrive

He had a face so gentle and of such sweet demeanor

And somehow it seemed God’s love settled in

And out in the hills not so far away

A choir of angels sang out their great joy

As shepherds looked on too frightened to move

Fear not the angels did say

Your salvation has come to a stable close by

The shepherds and sheep hustled to town

To see this great wonder of which angels had sung

And as they entered we all heard this phrase

My Son I have sent to mankind one and all

A great gift for sinners responding to this call

Then what to our wondering eyes did appear

But a star shining brightly over that humble stall

And more amazing still three wisemen before the babe did fall

Bringing riches untold as gifts to a king

This story is amazing but I know ‘tis true

For all of it was planned for just me and you

And so as my fantastic tale I do end

I beg you remember this gift the Father did send

And bid a happy CHRISTmas to all

And to all a good night!

By: Ann Martin

December 24, 2001

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