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The Unicorn

A unicorn they say is only in the mind

A whimsical imagination

And on the earth you will not find.

It ‘s beauty but a dream,

A wisp of a cloud

A glimpse is really not allowed.

It is said that only the pure in heart

Will cast their eyes upon

This creature of God’s art.

But why should such beauty

Be so hard to see?

And if by chance one you should glimpse,

It very likely would flee.

It is a creature of innocence, so pure.

Because it is so aloof, that is its allure.

You could search high and low

For just a moment to behold.

But most will never see it, of that I do know.

The world from innocence and purity

Has turned its heart and eyes.

So if there are really unicorns,

They are all in disguise!

By: Ann Martin

July 27, 1999

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