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Victory In Jesus

(Dedicated to Norma Coolidge)

Aha! Thought the evil one

I have this life in my hands now

I will succeed, bring them down

I will throw discouragement

Pain and disease at them

Make their hope dwindle

Their hearts lose joy

Their lives seem worthless

I will make them give up

No more will their light shine

No more will they proclaim victory

How miserable I will make them

As I draw them away from God

Gleefully the enemy smiles

Jubilant in this precious one’s downfall

But the enemy didn’t count on something

The lives this loved one has touched

Have begun beseeching the Father

Praying fervently for the release

Of the enemy’s vile hands on this loved one

On the horizon a light shines

A brightness enters in

A hand reaches out touching the afflicted one

The enemy cringes in horror

Knowing he can’t stand in the face of Him

Jesus draws close to the discouraged one

Fear not, He tells them, I am here

Your enemy has sorely attacked

Has brought you low

But I am here to raise you up

I am here to comfort you

I am here to return your joy

I will rebuke your enemy

In My presence the enemy must flee

Rest in Me my precious one

Release your fears and doubts

Breath in My love for you

Receive My peace in your heart

Know that no matter how the enemy attacks

I will stand by you

I will bring you through

I will give you strength

You are mine, and mine alone

Nothing, nothing can take you from My hand

Nothing can separate you from Me!

Glory in Me

Rejoice in Me

Abide in Me

You have victory in Me!

By: Ann Martin

October 11, 2008

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