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The Visitor

He hadn’t been in a church in thirty years.

He just hadn’t felt the need.

But as the years went flying by

His life seemed such a waste.

It had no point, it seemed so empty.

He had tried the bar and all of his drinking buddies

He experimented with drugs,

But the feelings they gave were so brief.

He had been in different relationships,

None of them worked out.

All the many different things he had tried

Just didn’t fill that empty space inside.

He remembered the good times he had had

As a child fellowshipping with friends at church.

Maybe that’s what I need he thought

So one Sunday morning bright and early

He dressed with great care

Putting on the best he had on hoping it would be okay.

With fear and trembling he walked into the sanctuary.

He sat in the last seat; he didn’t want to be noticed.

The songs the congregation sang reached deep inside

And gave him a hope, maybe this is it he thought.

The sermon didn’t make much sense to him

But it could be I just don’t understand,

It has been so long!

At the end of the service the people filed out.

As they passed him not one stopped to greet him.

He felt ashamed and dead as a stone

As they stared with scornful looks.

He wanted to slip out unnoticed and never return.

Once again he had made a mistake,

This wasn’t the place for him either.

He quickly rushed for his car

Hoping he wouldn’t run into someone.

When around the corner came an elderly man.

With a smile on his face and an outstretched hand

He gave a warm-hearted greeting and said,

"Don’t pay the others no mind,

They just don’t know you and are afraid to try.

Come back inside and spend some time.

The Lord is waiting for you."

The man at first refused saying,

" I am not properly dressed,

I have no nice clothes.

I don’t know how to act or how to pray,

And I certainly don’t know the songs!

Maybe when I get better clothes

And get my life straightened out

Then I might return."

The elderly man smiled and replied,

"Don’t you know that the Father

accepts you just as you are?

You don’t need special clothes

Nor do you have to improve yourself

Before coming to him!

All that is needed is a humble heart

That is ready to listen

And to accept Him into your life.

The Lord does not look on the outside;

He’s concerned with what’s in your heart.

If you truly desire change in your life,

Come inside and spend time with Him.

He will heal your wounds,

And wash you clean.

He will mend your broken heart

And give you back your joy.

He is the only answer to all your troubles.

His love is the answer you have been seeking."

Reluctantly the man turned around

And walked back inside with the elderly man.

The sanctuary stood empty, not a soul in sight.

As the elderly man led him to the alter

He felt so self-conscious and ashamed.

He knelt beside his new found friend

And listened as the elderly gentleman began to pray.

Then turning to him the elderly man asked,

Do you truly desire change in your life;

Do you want to start over?"

With tears in his eyes he nodded his head.

"Then just ask the Lord Jesus to come and reside in your heart."

Humbly he bowed his head and said a simple prayer.

Suddenly he felt so much lighter

And joy arose from deep inside.

"It can't be this simple!" he thought.

But he felt so much better

and his hope had returned.

From that day on each time the doors were open

He was there sitting in the front row.

Gradually the congregation got to know him

And welcomed him into their flock.

"What a wonderful Lord I have!" he thought.

By: Ann Martin

March 31, 2001

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