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Walk With Me

When it appears there isn’t one

To walk by your side

Turn to Me, I am the Son

If the way seems hard

And the day seems long

Come with Me

And sing My song

If you feel bereft

All your loved ones

They have left

Do not feel sad

Do not give up

Nor be dismayed

When you look left and right

And cannot find hope

Nor a friend in sight

Then look up

Turn My way

I am always there

By you side I will stay

There is no need

For you to be afraid

At My feet

Your fears can be laid

When your money is short

Your responsibilities hard

Let Me take it

I do not drop my guard

Come with Me

Take my hand

And you will see

We’ll walk side by side

You and I

For it is for you

That I did die.

By: Ann Martin

January 6, 2001

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