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Watch and Pray

“Watch and pray”

My Lord says to me

My heart He is directing

My eyes He opens to see

My ears He asks to listen

As my tears

Begin to glisten

In my mind

He brings pictures

Of destruction so unkind

A great storm has dimmed hope

Waters have covered many a home

And vast numbers are wondering how to cope

Lost they are wandering

Grasping at any straw

Only to find they are floundering

Their hope becoming ever distant

As good life and dreams

Seem to be gone in an instant

Where is God they query

As all they can see is disaster

And they grow ever more weary

Little do they know

Their hope they can regain

There is someone reaching out

Who by their side will remain

He is standing within reach

His wisdom and His ways

He lovingly desires to teach

He can rebuild a life

Raising up hope

And release from strife

The down trodden and fallen

Gently and tenderly

These lost ones He is callin’

Come to Me, He is saying

Find shelter under My wings

Are the words He is relaying

And who is this wonder worker

So tenderly inviting?

He is Jesus Christ the Lord

The Creator of all life

Rejecting his call no one can afford

He promises many blessings

Rewards He has in abundance

Our sins we must be confessing

Opening the door to our heart

Humbly seeking life eternal

Which gracefully only He can impart

By: Ann Martin

September 11, 2005

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