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What is a friend?

A friend is someone who when first met

Tentatively smiles and says, “Nice to meet you.”

But over time as two hearts entwine

That tentative smile turns to warm greetings

And hugs and laughter and tears

A friend is someone who gleefully joins you

In those wonderful times of joy

And who encourages you to keep moving forward

When times become hard and life doesn’t seem fair

A friend is someone who stands by you when all others

Have turned the other way not knowing how to handle your pain

A friend remains your friend even after harsh words have been spoken

Knowing you probably spoke out of your own hurt and anger

A friend forgives and loves through all kinds of seasons

A friend pulls you up when you think you will never rise again

A friend loves you despite all they know about you

A friend is there to laugh with you, love with you,

Cry with you, hurt with you and most of all, pray with you

A friend is a gift from heaven above

A companion to walk through life’s hard road

And to be with you when reason says they shouldn’t.

A friend is to be cherished,

To be seen as a treasure of great value

What a special gift God gave us when He gave us

A friend…

By: Ann Martin

February 6, 2007


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