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When Will They See?

Oh Lord, when will the world see?

How can they not know

Of Your loving care?

Why are they so blind?

Can’t they just let go

And give all to You?

Don’t they want an eternal life

So wonderful, so awesome

It is beyond comprehension?

When will they understand

All belongs to you?

Why do they continue

Rushing headlong into destruction?

My Lord, my heart is breaking

As those around me

Laugh and revile your followers.

The world thinks we’re crazy.

They believe they control

All that happens in their lives.

They continue to sin unconcerned.

And all the while the devil and his hoards

Go about spreading their lies

And grin with pride when one they mislead.

My God, wake those poor souls!

Show them Your glory!

Give them the yearning

For all that is holy!

Help them Father, turn around.

Grab them from hell’s horrible grasp!

Bring them into Your kingdom

And bless them with Your wondrous peace!

Show them that by becoming

One of Your believers

They really aren’t losing anything

But are gaining their life!

By: Ann Martin

August 15, 2001

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