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Wounded Soul

There he lay

All crumpled in a heap,

Feeling lost and alone

As the dark seemed to enclose

He wept with heart wrenching sobs.

Oh how he had fallen!

Into a hole he wanted to crawl.

He just knew his life was ended.

He was no longer of value;

He had nothing left to give.

His sins had finally caught up to him.

The fingers were pointed.

The accusations surrounded him.

The scornful looks came from every direction.

Why didn’t he just give up?

No one seemed to care anymore.

All had turned their backs.

As he was contemplating his end

A tiny spark of light began to glow.

At first he ignored it

Thinking it had no import.

Gradually the light grew bigger

And seemed to come closer.

He watched in fear and fascination

As the light changed into a person.

A soft and loving voice pled with him,

"Don’t take your life, you have too much to do.

You are wounded and feeling worthless,

But to me you are so very valuable!

I love you so greatly

That my life I gave for you.

In my arms there is refuge.

Come, enter into my peace.

Your sins are forgiven

And are nothing to me.

I have washed you clean.

Your past can no longer rule you.

Let go of your sorrows,

Release all your worries.

Let me take them,

And turn them into hope.

Your tomorrows are bright.

You have so much to give.

Loosen your grip on your grief

And let me heal your wounds.

Let me love you with my all-encompassing love."

He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Surely he was dreaming!

People don’t just appear out of nowhere,

And they certainly don’t shine so bright!

But he thought, "What have I to loose?

I have no where else to turn."

So he turned to that vision

And dropped all the pain and sorrow

Into those compassionate hands.

Suddenly he felt so much lighter;

His heart no longer felt dead.

Once again he begin to weep.

But this time they were tears of joy.

By: Ann Martin

March 28, 2001

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