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In The Classroom

The focus of the program then shifts to the care of trees. Students learn some basic biology and botany as they learn the fine art of tree pruning. Technical discussion in the classroom about the pruning of young trees for structure is put into practice on Saturdays when the group visits trees planted three years before. Students meet in a classroom setting at Arriba Juntos in the heart of the Mission. Teachers Chris Buck (FUF) and Roberto Graves (Arriba Juntos) ask students to talk about the different tree conditions that they saw during the previous day of tree care. Although there is no homework, the group meets in the computer room on a regular basis to work on a project that is due at the end of the program. Most students surf the web faster than they can type. . .

To see some of the students in action, click on the photos below.
All photos show participants of our Fall 2000 program.

Photo #1 Photo #2