Tick, tock, tick, tock...my time here is ticking away. I am starting to actually figure out a packing plan. Thankfully, my assistant is Andrea and supposedly she is a packing whiz-kid. Here's the strategy (imagine Andrea and me standing over a lit table with a map, dressed as SS soldiers).
"First, ve must break down the resistance of the sveaters."
"Zen we must put sem all in sa box!"
"Afta zat we must conquer sa books!"
"Put sem in boxes!"
"Ve vill ship sem to sa states!"
Anyway you get the picture. It's sad that I'm leaving. I feel like I've been here for a year or something. I told my mother that I feel like I've been living in Bakersfield with my spirit and in Alaska with my body. A sort of geographical schizophrenia.
I was sitting with Andrea last night, watching her eat a cup of noodles (shrimp flavor...which she actually pulls out all the dried up shrimp and eats them before adding water). I realized I was not going to see her everyday...How odd...How she wouldn't be there to have lunch and dinner and weekend brunch...whose going to do my hair???
Speaking of friends gone missing...I got some upsetting news on Sunday. Turns out that my best friend Milton was sent to prison for embezeling money from the company he worked for. He's in a New Orleans jail waiting for a court date.
I was at first shocked. Then disappointed. Milton has so much potential to succeed but he insists on screwing up his life by breaking laws. Now, if he is convicted of this crime he will have embesselment attached to every single job application. I can'tbelieve he'd do this...over something so little as money.
So, I guess I won't be seeing Milton anytime soon. And I right now I'm so disappointed in him, I'm not sure if I want to see him again. Maybe I need a time out to cool off.
I saw "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" with Jim Carey and I thought it rocked! The special effects were subtle, the costuming and make-up were awsome and Jim Carey did a great job as the Grinch (although, it reminded me of Tony Clifton from "Man on the Moon"). So, I certainly suggest seeing it. Especially on the big screen.
My dad will be arriving in Anchorage on turkey day. I am excited to have another guest. We will be dining at the Turmigan Grill downtown for Thanksgiving dinner, then Friday we will be enjoying a show at the Fly-By-Night Club, and Saturday an excellent meal at Benihaunas. Fun Fun Fun! I hope to take him to Hot Rods...since there were a lot of old people there he might like it.
Well, I have run out of time to type. My biology class starts in...wait...right now!!!