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GOREAN Basics Manual for VR in AW page 2

Management of the Kajira and the Kajirus

   Knowing first of all that it's a great responsibility to command another abjectly when they are your personal slave or command with permission the slave of another.
There are several held views of how much one can control a kajira or kajirus.
First of all it's best to find out if the kajira or kajirus is in VR for role-playing or for RL service and role-play service. Those that are more in-depth in their devotion and cultural love of Gor prove to be very good kajirae or kajiri. There are several types of slaves, they range from pleasure slaves and silk slaves to drudgery's and work slaves. Most common though found in VR are the pleasure slaves. Often they too serve as kettle and mat girls. All male slaves tend to be silk slaves of free Women.

 A visiting slave must ask a free person or persons present if they may enter the world at ground zero. They will greet free first then greet slaves. If their owner is there they will wait for permission to greet others. If a slave needs to go afk or go offline or go somewhere else they must ask permission to do so if there are free persons in the vacinity in Gorean environments. If in other environments in VR then slaves remain respectful often using sir and mam in place of Master and Mistress. So it's up to the free person in the area where slaves are to give permissions to leave or stay etc. Also slaves may whisper back and forth to each other freely but must usually ask a free person if they can whisper to them, unless previous arrangements have been made.

Slave Management Tools

     Since this is VR then the tools which best control the slave are words. There are ways of using your words that act as the disciplinary tools as a Master or Mistress needs. Gorean owners are not often cruel to their properties yet they are swift to discipline using various techniques that work best between each owner and slave. More often then not, a corrective word is enough to make a slave repentant and humbled, and the slave strives to be more pleasing.

     The Gorean slave whip

an 18 inch handle with a loop at one end and dangling from the other five long lashes of supple leather strands that are 3 cm wide or 1.5 inches wide. The supple leather welts the slave well without marring the slaves skin. Again the slave must handle this form of being disciplined appropriately in VR with intimations of having been well disciplined.

Slave bracelets
manacles and leg shackles, ankle bracelets, can limit movement and the slave must respond appropriately in VR as having them on.

The Sirik
a fine long chain that runs from ankles, wrists and collar interconnected in various ways and can be manipulated to various links for confining and decorating a slave.

The slave gag
a balled cloth and binding cloth can prevent the slave from speaking words. A slave gagged may only then use descriptive gestures and descriptive body language to communicate.
The slave Hood

prevents the slave from seeing what is going on.
     The slave sack, a heavy leather sack that can contain a slave completely or you can leave their head out.

a slave fully under a blanket may not move from it and must remain quiet.

a slave sent to kennel is often a term used meaning the slave is going off line or is returning to their Owners area and is then incommunicato to others.

The slave cage
usually a 4 foot by five foot metal cage with a drop front gate. often used as a kennel. This helps prevent your property from wandering and gives them a chance to think things over. Over use of caging your slave can cause them to leave VR or seek another collar.
     How a slave girl places her hands on her knees or thighs indicates to a Master or Mistress the available use of the slave. Most whitesilk slaves will have their hands the palms of which are facing down on their thighs and only upward or open to the Master or Mistress that owns them. Thus palms down the slave is not available for full service use and palms up the slave is available for full service use.

Slave Positions            
(This is not a complete list)
When a slave is given a command they should respond with Yes Master or Mistress respectively.  Then they will type out their compliance using these descriptions in inventive ways below.

     A slave lies face down on the floor with their hands behind their back, wrists crossed, the slave straightens their legs, crosses their ankles. Their head is turned to the left, ready to be bound or disciplined. This is also a holding position, without thongs or bindings the slave can be bound by the Masters Will and remain in this position until told to move.

     Immediately the slave falls to the floor, face down their forehead resting flat on the surface of the floor or ground, their arms at their sides, with legs widely spread, then if ordered move the legs just so that the slave can crawl to the Master or Mistress on their belly.

Blanket or under the blanket
When a slave is put under the blanket and they are fully covered, they are not allowed to move from beneath the blanket and must remain as still as possible. The slave is usually on their side in a tucked position. They may not talk either.

Bracelets or Chaining
      The slave stands beautifully or handsomely as a slave. Turns so their back or side it to the Master or Mistress, with their hands behind the back, chin up and head forward waiting to be braceleted. If female her hips lifted, one foot slightly in front of the other, back erect wrists behind back and crossed head left ready to be braceletted.

     The slave girl is pulled beneath the Master, placing her in position to be sexually used. The silk slave thusly so for the Mistresses use to mount.

     The slave gets down on all fours, palms and forearms flat on the floor, hips in the air, forehead close but not touching the floor, the slave crawls to just an inch from the Master's feet.

Any slave can be commanded to dance. Whether or not the slave is skilled at dancing or not depends on the amount of training the slave has. It would be inappropriate for a slave girl to dance in sexual manners in the presence of a free woman unless specifically ordered to by a Master. It would also be inappropriate for certain serving and dancing actions to be performed at the public square of a world. (The "ground zero" of worlds which are public areas and may have underage visitors sneaking in.)

Display Position
     The slave kneels, the ankles cross over , the legs parted widely for the Owners pleasure, back and shoulders are straight, his chest or her breasts are thrust forward, belly sucked in, hands on thighs palm up if available for use, palms flat on thighs if not, the slaves head is up and eyes are lowered.

Eat and Drink
     A slave may only eat when commanded to and often the new slaves first feedings are given to the slave by the hands of their owner without letting the slave touch the food at all. Same with drinking. A slave never drinks from a goblet unless the Master or Mistress is holding it. Drinking from the lower fountains is the only way slaves may drink from public fountains.

     Fetching is exactly that, only the slave performs this task on all fours in the crawling position and with their teeth retreives the item that they were told to fetch. Such as the whip. They will return with the handle in their mouth and place it gently at the feet of their Master or Mistress.

Gorean Bow
     The slave girl kneels in the position of a pleasure slave, bends her body backwards, her head to the floor, she places her hands by her head, and pulls up into a back bend. (this position is very painful to maintain for longer than 5 min. hence it is generally used as a position of punishment).

     Slaves usually have long hair. The slave stands, feet flat on the floor, and bows gracefully at the waist, that the hair might fall forward for display, or to be shorn, or seized, or used as a napkin and for any purpose that the Master desires.

     The slave goes to the Master and stands to the side and behind a little in prepriation of walking or heeling the Master as they walk, The slave goes to the Master or Mistresses left and awaits further orders.   Note: if the Master is right handed go to his left, if he is left handed go to his right

Ko Lar, or Collaring Position
Also called "The Position of Female Submission."
In this position the slave kneels at the Master's feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication

     The slave will kneel down resting back on the heels, knees closed, wrist crossed over the lap.
Commonly if not in the presence of free women a female slave assumes the position of a pleasure slave, if a male slave then they would kneel in the pleasure slave position for the women around him and more than likely avoid such a position around free men.

Leading Position
     The slave walks behind the Master, places her hands behind her back, crossed at the wrist, and puts her head to Master's hip, he then takes her by the hair and leads her bent over as he walks.

Leasha or Leash
     From the Gorean word Lesha, which translates as "leash." in this position, the slave remains either standing or kneeling, depending upon the current position the slave is in, then the slave turns their back to the Master, chin up, head turned to the left so a leash may be attached to the collar, (chin up, back and shoulders straight, wrists are extended behind side by side), in a position to be locked into chained slave bracelets.

Leasha (kneeling)
     The slave kneels quickly spreading thighs wide, arches back stiffly and places hands, wrists crossed, at the small of their back, turns head to the left with eyes lowered submissively, lips parted slightly and awaits the leash or inspection.

Leasha (standing)
     The slave stands with feet shoulder-width apart, wrists crossed at the small of the back, head held high and turned to the left, lips slightly parted and eyes lowered submissively awaiting the leash or inspection

Master's Kiss
     The Master takes the slave girls hair in his hand and he pulls back on her head exposing her neck and face to him. He kisses her lips firmly resolutely, he is kissing her, she is not kissing him, kissing her passionately and powerfully often the force of the kiss bruises her lips or leaves a bit of blood on them from his bite. The Masters kiss is a harsh and cruel kiss of domination over the slave. a technique is sites here as “Taking her top lip in his teeth he bites down on it and then takes her bottom lip and sucking on it bites down on it as well as he continues to kiss her. He then kisses her exposed neck “ in various ways.

(kneeling as a pleasure slave)
     The slave kneels, sits back on the heels, knees parted widely for the Master's pleasure. Back and shoulders are straight, chest is thrust forward, belly sucked in, Hands on thighs, palms up open for available use, or palms down use restricted, head is up and eyes lowered.

Obediance ( Obeisance )
A prone position, the slave lies face down before the Master or Mistress, the cheek is placed against his or her feet and the lips kiss them lightly.

This is a position on all fours. It is used as a disciplinary position and the slave in such may not rise, the slave is in the position of an animal and may not use human speech but make petitions noises and such like an animal and may not use their hands to eat or manipulate things with. This position has been used in disciplining captured free women prior to collaring them.

     The slave kneels and touches their forehead to the floor and stretches their arms out in front with palms down and fingers spread.

This distinction is placed on the female slave so that her movements are controlled and artistic looking.  The slave runs toward her objective taking short rapid steps, with her legs almost straight, her feet hardly leaving the floor.   As the slave moves her back is straight, her head is turned to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her body upon reaching her objective she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of a pleasure slave.

     The slave moves to the knees and elbows, hands interlocked over the head the buttocks in the air ready for either being beaten on the buttocks or being taken from behind like an animal (this position is used to punish slaves and not bring pleasure to them.. It treats the slave like a receptacle to be used by the Master as he will.)

Slaver's Kiss
Common use with Female slaves. With quick obedience, the girl moves to the floor on all fours her head lowered to the ground, hips high in the air, thighs widely spread leaving the slave exposed waiting for the kiss of the whip.

Slave lips
     The slave turns their head up to the Master, (or Mistress if male slave). The slave then puckers moistened lips and remains motionless unable to move until the Master or Mistresses kiss releases the slave.

Rising up on the knees just enough, or if standing, the slave then disrobes quickly. Wearing only their collar.

     An action of showing submission. The slave kneels, bends at the waist, placing their cheek to the floor, then takes the Master's or Mistresses right foot and places it upon her neck. The slave then places their arms behind their back, crossing them at the wrist.

All Goreans know this position. It is taught to free women when they are 16 years old. In lieu of accepting an honorable death.   The free female submits fully dressed a slave looking for an owner though usually by being unclothed or nearly unclothed.
   Kneeling down, resting back on the heels and raising arms over her head out toward her captor, with her hands crossed palms up or down. And saying that she submits as a slave to the person. This legally binds her as a slave in the Gorean environment.
Men don’t submit usually, they are taken prisoner and can be enslaved but they don’t usually perform the same attitudes as females due in bondage. There are those rare silk slaves, male pleasure slaves though that would perform similar actions as female slaves for their Mistresses.

     This position puts the slave on their back, their legs spread their arms at their side palms up. A very vulnerable positioon.

     With the slaves back on the floor, hands at the sides, palms open and up, legs are spread widely apart, the sublte lifting of the hips off the floor slowly for the Masters pleasure.

     The slave slips down to all fours, the back straight, legs parted, hands perpendicular to the body, palms flat upon floor, the hair pulled off over the left shoulder. (the slave may now be used as a table or foot rest)

Tower Slave Position
     The slave kneels, body erect, head up, eyes lowered, chest out, thighs and knees closed, tummy in, hands on thighs palms down. Or hand in lap with the wrists crossed. This is typically reserved for white-silk slavegirls, or slavegirls who serve their Master in a non-sexual way, such as a Tower Slave or female Work Slave.

     When you give this command , the slave turns in a graceful pirouette, then walks, knees slightly bent, gliding across the room, with the feet hardly seeming to leave the floor. Slaves demonstrate their atributes as they cross the floor such as hips swaying sensually, body poised gracefully erect and proud. When the slave reaches the objective the slave halts and stands, body erect, shoulders back, chest thrust forward, belly in , then the slave girl will turn her hip out a bit, the hands will rest the sides, and then the slave points one foot forward a little keeping their head up and eyes are respectfully lowered. This is a parading and displaying position, not necessarily a way of walking to retrieve something and bring it back to the Master or Mistress.

Whipping Position
     The slave pulls their hair out of the way over the head. Kneels head to floor. The slaves arms can be stretched out in front crossed at the wrists as if bound to a pole or the arms can crossed in front of them and be tucked in at the belly. The slaves back and backside is then well exposed.

Common usage
The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and keeps their head straight, her eyes looking forward, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread in preparation for the sexual use of the Master.

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