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The Third Aett
Tyr / Teiwaz (T)
Element: Air
Herbs: Tyr's Helm (aconitum napellus), Sage (salvia officinalis)
Tree: Oak (quercus robur)
Color:bright red
Keywords:Justice, victory, self-sacrifice, analysis, world order
Lore:This rune embodies the force of the god Tyr. He is the Norse god of law and justice. Tyr rules over the administration of right and honorable justice, so he is invoked for victory and is therefore an important war god. In northern mythology, it is Tyr who sacrifices his hand between the jaws of the Fenris wolf in order to save his fellow gods from destruction. 
Positive Meaning: Justice can be expected, and good judgment based on a careful analysis for the facts. Victory will be yours if you have acted wisely. The power of positive self-sacrifice. 
Negative Meaning: Too much analysis can overwhelm you. Stop planing and start doing. Do not over-sacrifice. Injustice. 
Berkana (B)
Herb:Lady's Mantle (alchemille xanthoclora)
Tree: Birch (betula pendula)
Color:dark green
Keywords: Earth Mother, birth, birth-life-death, cycle, liberation, life changes, shelter
Lore:This rune contains the complex mystery of the great mother (Nerthus the earth mother). It rules over the four pivotal human "rites of passage", birth, adolescence, marriage and death. It is the container of all becoming/being. It is a collector and conserver of energy and a sign of enclosure and shelter. Magickally, Berkana is a rune of purification and new beginnings.
Positive Meaning: New beginnings based on old patterns are in the future. Look for the importance of new things. It conceals and protects. New aspects are introduced into erotic relationships. 
Negative Meaning: Blurring of consciousness, deceit, sterility, and stagnation. Family problems. 
Ehwaz (E)
Herb:Ragwart (senecio jalcobaea)
Tree:Ash (fraxinus excelsior), Oak (quercus robur)
Keywords: harmony, trust, loyalty, marriage, fertility
Lore:This is the principle of teamwork. This points to the close relationship between man and horse felt by the Indo-Europeans in general and the Germanic peoples in particular. Ehwaz helps create the movement needed to undertake any task.  It is the symbol of progress, and the method and the means of positive forward movement.
Positive Meaning: Two different, yet harmonious entities working together towards one goal. This rune facilitates travel throughout the nine worlds by being able to ride its power. It is also the rune of trust and loyalty. Symbol of marriage. 
Negative Meaning: Loss of partnerships. Losing oneself in a spouse or lover. Duplication of efforts. Betrayal. 
Mannaz (M)
Herb:Madder (rubia tinctorum)
Trees: Maple (acer compestre), Alder (alnus glutinosa), Holly (ilex aquifolium)
Color:deep red
Keywords: Divine structure, divine link, intelligence, androgyne
Lore:"Man" is the principle of embodied self-consciousness. Symbolizes humankind's earthly life as a heroic struggle. It is the symbol of Heimdall as the genetic link between the gods and men, and as the guardian of Bifrost. As a rune of magickal connection, the Mannaz rune is symbolic of the social order.  It is powerful in all things which use language, bringing advantage in disputes and academic examinations.
Positive Meaning: Mannaz is the mystery of the divine structure in every individual and in mankind. It is an androgynous model being. It is the power of human intelligence, rationality, memory and tradition. There is happiness in inner and social life, born of a realization of the truths of human existence. 
Negative Meaning: Dwelling on mortality and weakness, fearing true knowledge. Blindness, self-delusion and depression. 
Laguz (L)
Herb:Leek (allium parrum)
Tree: Usier (salix viminalis)
Color:deep green
Keywords: Primal water, life, growth, vital power, emotions, intuition, psychic, dreams
Lore:It is the basic life energy in the multiverse and the secret source of all organic life. This is the principle of cosmic water welling up from Nifheimfr and containing the potential for life. It is also the symbol of the leek, a source of organic growth and phallic power (virtue). The shining leek was often given to a young man when he became a warrior. Laguz is used to clear blockages in progress and to accelerate any flow already in progress.
Positive Meaning: Tests in life are in the future, but you have the vital energies to stand these tests. Ride out the watery journey on the sea. Transition from one state to another. The rune of initiation. 
Negative Meaning: Fear of change, fear of the journey and of the unknown vastness with the deep self. The damning up of vital force. 
Inguz (Ng)
Elements:Water and Earth
Herb:Selfheal (prunella vulgaris)
Tree:Apple (malus app)
Color: yellow
Keywords:Potential energy, gestation, internal growth, rest stage, potential, conclusion, hero, conseuqnce, free
Lore: Ing is considered to be the name of an Germanic earth god, who works in tandem with the earth mother, Nerthus. Ingwaz represents the male consort of the earth mother, and the priest who attends her. Inguz is a symbol of light, representing a firebrand or beacon.  It aids in channel potential energy.  It can bring together and integrate various elements in a working, and is also used in gaining access to the power of limitless extention.
Positive Meaning: This rune is s storehouse of potential energy that must undergo a gestation period in order to gain strength. Ingwaz is the stave of rest, of active internal growth. There is a deep-level gestation of new power. Rest, Let things "gestate", to be brought forth at the right time in full maturity. 
Negative Meaning: This can be a seductive force, fooling you into thinking it is the "end" rather than a stage; thus it is the curse of many mystics. There is movement but without real change. 
Othila (O)
Herb: White clover (trifolium repens)
Tree: Hawthorn (crataegus monogyna)
Color:deep yellow
Keywords: A home, inherited power, prosperity, freedom
Lore:This is the principle of the "homeland" in its most ideal from. It is the "home within", the ideal reality which is not attached to any particular "land". It is a symbol of that which is inherited through the generations by the whole clan in both material and spiritual realms. Magickal energies can be drawn into this rune and stored for later use.  Othila is powerful in maintaining the existing state of things.
Positive Meaning: Othala is the lot of stable prosperity and well-being. A solid and peaceful home, family, or group-life is indicated, and one that leads to continued growth. Attention must be paid to customs and order within the group. There is true freedom stemming from a secure base. A new dwelling or new allegiance may be in the future. 
Negative Meaning: The only danger comes from not preserving right customary or traditional order in the group. A misunderstanding of Othala can lead to totalitarianism that runs counter to the interests of the whole. 
Dagaz (D)
Elements: Fire and Air
Herb: Clary Sage (salvia horminoides)
Tree:Oak (quercus robur), Norway Spruce (picea abies)
Keywords: hope / happiness, awakening, light, polarity, new day, ambition, breakthrough, cosmic conciousness
Lore: This is the ultimate principle of bipolar creativity. Dagaz is the light of the day, perceived at the moments of sunrise and sunset, dawn and twilight. It is the rune of total awakening. Dagaz is a powerful blocking rune.  It can bring invisibility as well as access to the cosmic conciousness.
Positive Meaning: It is the source of hope and happiness. The power of "day" can be known to all who seek it earnestly. A great awakening is at hand. True vision can be gained. 
Negative Meaning: The only difficulty would be its manifestation in the life of someone who did not want or who was not prepared for it. Hopelessness.