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[A Formal Ceremony]




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Let any Aspirant to the Light

Of any grade or degree - in any external Plight

Located here, astride of time, within our bounded Space

Take note of their station in life , and of their illusionary Place.

If it be time for the Great Return, discount now what's "Real"

For This is the Secret Book of the ever-turning Wheel
.With sublimated Commentary in Ultraviolet Light



The Symbols

The Wheel

Let the Aspirant reflect upon the properties of the Wheel and the Spiral, for these are the basis of the Matrix of Illusion.

Then a comparison of rotary forces is made. including the atom, the Earth, the solar system, and a galaxy.

And it must then be realized that the centripital (whirlpool) force is inherent in all manifested life. Armed with this knowledge, he or she may then take up the study of the Line.


The Line

Let the Initiate become familiar with the Seven Centers of Light and the three-fold channel of Fire.
.The Chakras and the three channels of Kundalini

Then, in turn, assess the Four Components and the Central Channel of the Lighted Way, for these stand fast against the Matrix of Illusion.
. . . . . ..Earth, Hara, Holo, Void, and the Hara Line

The Initiate will then be able to Feel the Difference between the Straight Line of humanity and the Rotary Forces of the universe.

And it shall become apparent that the straight line is abhored by Nature [being non-existent in that external realm]. Hidden deep within the realm of human intent, the Line is conceived and born- only then may the art and science of the Cross be approached.
.You must be able to visualize a perfectly straight line that does not waver


The Cross

Let the Adept study the symbol of the equal armed, upright Cross.


The Cross is then internally visualized (eyes closed).

And it shall become apparent that the Cross, like the straight line, is contrary to mental fixation, yet there must be endurance!
.The Cross will try to waver and bend - Keep working at it


These are the three geometric Symbols:
The Wheel - The Line - The Cross

To visualize these Symbols without distortion is to control their essence and nature.

Is it so? Pass on then to the Four Applications
.Unwavering Visual Symbols are required for successful Practical Application


Format I - Save the Earth

The Line is instrumental in providing
physical stability, stamina, and health.

The Line is best used with the eyes open. The physical posture should be upright (standing), although this Format can be effective for restoration when one is recumbant (collapsed).

This Format is applied in case of illness, depletion of energy, tiredness, staggering, dizzyness, or simply being overwhelmed in any way. It is properly used when performing heavy labor, engaging in individual or competitive sports, when in combat, and in any emergency situation.


Do this: . .Superimpose the Straight Line on the Central Channel.


As the Line re-orients the central channel , the uncoordinated physical energy flows into the centers and their harmonious functioning permits increased physical control.

This Format is not a substitute for a regular exercise program.

For those who are unable to perform this Format I,
practice in hard or soft Budo is recommended
.Budo = "The Way of Martial Arts"


Format II - Concentric Mentat

The Cross is instrumental in providing instant mental stability.

The Cross is best used with the eyes closed. The physical posture may be upright (meditative) or recumbant (collapsed).

This Format is applied in case of anxiety, depression, or raging sensation of any nature. It is properly applied when thought is muddled, disturbed, chaotic, or unruly.

Thus: Close eyes. View Cross.

.As the Cross stabilizes within the internal visual field, the conflicting mental-emotional processes and thoughtforms flow into the arms of the Cross and their harmonious fusion at the center begins to produce a tiny point of White light.
.Demons on the astral & mental planes are controlled by a stable Cross

This concentrated mental essence will produce a mental unit endowed with substance (gravity), and thus will add to the Illusion of the Matrix unless the energy is dispersed.
. . . . This describes the formation of a repressed thoughtform (demon)

The energy is dispersed by allowing the tiny point of White light at the center of the Cross to radiate an infinite distance in all directions.

When the inflow of mental flux and the outflow of fused radiant light are evenly balanced, the pinpoint of light will decentralize to allow for the formation of a void sphere and this will be invisible to the Matrix.
.This is a form of erasing personal history - This is a mental "Black Hole"
.This is the "Sanctuary on the Mental Plane"


For those who are unable to perform this Format II,
practice in the yogic art of Dharana is recommended
.Dharana is a limb of Raja Yoga - It means "Concentration"


. . .Format III - The United Persona


Both the Line and the Cross are used to Align the Personality and to Shift the Holographic Assemblage Point.
.This is the central theme of our program


This Format is applied at Will for purposes of meditation, magick, creating order, and healing others. It is properly used when performing Empowerments, when influencing (polarizing) one's students, and essentially, in any ordinary or non-ordinary situation.

For this purpose, the Cross is used first, with the eyes closed, in order to stabilize the mind. This is called, "Stopping the World."

This is followed by the application of the Line to the central channel. Prolonging this concentration leads to the central axis increasing in substance and awareness - with a corresponding decrease in peripheral awareness. This is the beginning of "Moving the Holo",



Format III : Close eyes - View Cross . .

Impose Line on Central Channel

Increase Central Axis awareness as external awareness decreases


If the Energy Field of the Adept is not in contraction
.that is, if the void sphere was properly established
the holographic Assemblage Point will shift toward it's original position on-center-line in the Heart.

External "reality" will blur . . .
and perhaps disappear completely

At first this Format will produce fleeting "results." .With continued practice, one's control only increases .


This Format must not be used to avoid Karma, for that is the path of the Evil Genius.


For those unable to perform Format III
a Transmission is recommended
. . .A Transmission is an Empowerment or an Initiation Ceremony


. . Format IV- Spirit Synchronization


Format IV is not a Practice
. . .It is the Result


Healing Ceremony



Graduation Ceremony

. . . . . .MetalRabbit Matrix Design