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I got this of Amandas page...

FRIENDS ARE FOREVER Friends....those people you know, like, and trust. Those people who see and know your moods. Those people who know all the embarrassing things you did when you were younger. Those people who you told about your crushes, even though now you wonder, "what was I thinking." Those people who did you favors. Those people you have fun with. Those people who let you copy their homework, who share their snack with you, who give you a friendly "sup" or wave when they see you. Send this out to those friends you just met this year through school, through work, through friends, or just while hanging out at the mall, beach or club. And no matter if you've grown into best friends or have just become acquaintances, let them know that you're glad to have met them. That you hope to continue being friends for years to come. Send this out to those friends you've grown out of touch with. The ones you were friends with in elementary or intermediate school and suddenly, when you got into high school you hardly talked to anymore. Or the ones that moved out of town or changed schools and for some reason you just haven't had time to write or call. Send this to them just to say hi and to let them know that you haven't forgotten them. That you appreciate their friendship and that you cherish all the memories you shared with them. And to remind them that although people change and lives get rearranged, friends are friends forever. And even if you no longer have anything in common, you do share the same memories. Send this out to those friends you don't know too well. The ones you don't really talk on the phone or go out with, but who you do exchange a friendly hi or a smile with when you do see each other. The ones you have a conversation with only when you run into them. Send this out to them just to let them know that although you're not close, you do care about them and you wish them nothing but the best. Send this out to those you consider your closest. The best friend you've had since 1st grade. The ones you go out with every weekend. The ones who've grown into the brothers and sisters you've never had. The ones who listen to you complain about school, your boyfriends or girlfriends, family, or anything else no matter how stupid or boring it is. The ones who know your secrets and will go out of their way to be there for you. Who you're comfortable with telling all your secrets to. Send this to them just to let them know that you appreciate them being there for you and that you'll always be there for them. Send this out to those friends who fall somewhere in between one of the above categories. To those friends you've grown into enemies with. Send this to them to let them know that no matter what happened between the two of you, that you hope you can be forgiven. To those people you may have just met once but had a cool time with. To those people you may have gotten off to a rocky start with but who you would still like to get to know. There are many types of friends. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Some are closer than others. But no matter what friends are friends forever. Sometimes we take for granted our friends. Sometimes we don't let them know that we care or that we appreciate them. Sometimes we get so busy or so involved with other things that we begin to grow out of touch with our friends. Take this time to remember how lucky you are to have such great friends and to thank all those friends you've made over the years. Thank them and let them know you care. Send this back to the person that sends it to you and let them know you care.

My hunnies >:< they would have to be...Alana, Karen,Elaine and Melinda and Pam

PAM >:< thanks so much just for being my friend..i luv u soooooo much!!!! aH! even though you call me facking crows and hyenas...ah...i love u...WE will stay sisters man..yea..

Melinda >:< my other baby!! Yes....ah....known u more than half my life..yes Melinda was my protector its my turn to protect u from those whacked peopel.yea..u know who im talking

Karen >:< what would i do without my Karen..ahhh...Karen..yes u came out of no where...i dont remeber talking to you that much in Music..yeah..hmm......and now Karen keep sme awake at 4:30 in the morning...hehhe

Elaine!!!! >:< elaine.....we have lost our time..=( only me and you at lucnh man..we kick everyone out..just me and you...Elaine never talke dto me in French....i think i was a bit scare of you my baby take care of me!

ALANA >:< You're last man...yes LAST! for last.yea? ok....yes alana...what you do to me..ah.....We tak eu to FOB town and ill help ypu get over ur fears.once u see them in real life..ull see that FOBs are harmless creatures......ah! nononono.....forget it...we go somewhere elese....

....>:< Yes...we are family......lalalal......

music >:< listen....ah so relaxing..i liek i like

Just a thought >:< It really sucks when friends grow apart....and it really hurts when you finally accept it...But i guess thats how life goes.....just always remember i guess....dont worry Pam!! I am OK!!!!!! hehe.thanks for me accept it....=) LUV ALL OF YOU!!

ah.... my sexy babies on the last day of school in frade 8.....ahh......the fun we had.....

Hup Sup Sweetcheeks>Luver>Stupid Dipshit.....

I luv YA!
newer ones.....thanks melinda!